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    The administrator of personal data is “Livespace” ltd, with Headquarters in Warsaw, Poland. Your data will be processed to maintain the account and for our marketing activities. You have a number of rights, including the right to access and rectify your data. More information can be found in the Privacy Policy.

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    • Wskaźniki sprzedażowe - co warto mierzyć?

      Guide to Sales Metrics: 14 Examples

      If you’re leading a sales team, you probably know the importance of tracking the performance of all its members. Surprisingly, many businesses have zero or limited means to actually measure how productive their sales teams are. Unfortunately, if you can’t measure it—you can’t optimise it. And this truly affects the effectiveness of your sales process in the long run.
    • First-time sales manager

      10 Tips for a First-Time Sales Manager

      Have you just become a sales manager? Congrats! You’ve either climbed the career ladder at your company or applied for this job and succeeded at the interview, which all means you’ve come a long way to achieve it. However, it doesn’t mean you can rest on your laurels.
    • przeprowadzanie skutecznych follow-upów

      How to Carry out an Effective Follow-up? Ready-to-use Email Templates

      We all know the phrase “Hi, just checking if...” very well. This is the most popular follow-up in sales – it is so popular that it is ineffective. And it may be because we have seen it so many times before that we rarely get an answer to it ourselves.

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    • Najlepsze narzedzia do zorganizowania i uporzadkowania pracy w rozwijajacej sie firmie

      Useful tools to structure and organize work in a growing company   

      When you’re developing your company and the teams of individual departments start to grow, work organization becomes crucial. Development of your business depends on how you plan your and your employees’ activities, as well as how you’ll monitor their execution. To do this effectively, it’s best to help yourself with tools. What tools can be useful in a growing enterprise, and what aspects of work are they able to improve? Here are 8 tools that will help you order and organize your work at the company.  
    • 10 Ways to Empower Your Sales Team

      10 Ways to Empower Your Sales Team

      Even in the highly successful sales teams with all the sales processes in place, there is always room for improvement and growth. If you’re an ambitious sales manager, you must keep looking for new ways of motivating your team. Especially in the face of the fact that sales team motivation can be the holy grail for a business.

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    • Turning ‘No’ into ‘Yes’: How to Convince Your Customers to Buy from You?

      Turning ‘No’ into ‘Yes’: How to Convince Your Customers to Buy from You?

      Here comes the bitter truth: even if you offer the best product and services on the market, you’re likely to face customer objections from time to time. It’s inevitable - but the way you address those objections can truly make a difference for your business. 
    • Everything You Need to Know about Follow-Ups

      Everything You Need to Know about Follow-Ups

      Closing a deal can be a never-ending hustle and waiting game. First, you carry out your research in order to identify the prospects who have buying potential.  Then comes the cold outreach. You launch your campaign or send your pitch, happy in the knowledge of a job well done - but it but it doesn’t end here.  Your job finishes when you make a sale, and even then we should be following up and ensuring customer satisfaction. There is still a long way to go to…


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      The administrator of personal data is “Livespace” ltd, with Headquarters in Warsaw, Poland. Your data will be processed to maintain the account and for our marketing activities. You have a number of rights, including the right to access and rectify your data. More information can be found in the Privacy Policy.